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Archives for 2022

Conditions That Can Be Mistaken for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a potentially painful and disabling condition in which the mobility or function of the median nerve is restricted as it passes through the wrist. But the median nerve is not the only nerve that extends into the hand and entrapment of these other nerves can produce symptoms that may be [..]

Factors Linked to Chronic Whiplash Associated Disorders

Whiplash associated disorders (WAD) is a term that describes the cluster of symptoms that can arise from an injury caused by the sudden acceleration and deceleration of the head and neck, most often seen in a motor vehicle collision. Whiplash injuries are classified in four levels: WAD I (no/minimal complaints/injury); WAD II (soft-tissue injury—muscle/tendon and/or [..]

Chiropractic Treatment for Forward Head Posture

Forward head posture is a common postural fault in which the head’s center of gravity rests forward of the sagittal plane, and it’s typically associated with frequent electronic device and screen use. The further the head sits in front of the shoulders, the harder the muscles in the back of the neck, shoulders, and upper [..]

Low-Fat Diet, Yay or Nay?

For decades, the public has been told to avoid whole milk and other foods containing full-fat dairy products because such fare will clog arteries and promote cardiovascular disease. A trip around the grocery store will show many food products labeled as low-fat or fat-free. Even today, the American Heart Association warns us about this on [..]